Tuesday, December 9, 2008

McSweeney's Crazy Excessive Sale

McSweeney's is having a Crazy Excessive Sale:
M c S W E E N E Y ' S C R A Z Y E X C E S S I V E S A L E

Apparently something's going wrong with the economy. An econopocalypse, we heard. Thus, we have put together an emergency bailout package for the book-buying public. Once again, almost everything on our site is half-off, or even cheaper, for just a few more days -- soon it'll be too late to guarantee Christmas delivery, so now is the time.

And once again, we've got everyone on your list covered. We've restocked the immediately beloved "What Happens in La Brea Tar Pits, Stays in La Brea Tar Pits" t-shirt, and we've piled high the stacks of Comedy by the Numbers for your insufficiently funny friends. For all the hungry nondenominational holiday-enthusiasts in your life, there's Lemony Snicket's Christmas story The Latke Who Couldn't Stop Screaming, and for the impatient McSwys newcomer we've got the Instant Gratification Subscription. There's lots more on the site, and everything's cheap, so click here.

And still the bonus: if you order more than $60 from our site, you'll get your choice of either Michael Chabon's Maps and Legends or Nick Hornby's Shakespeare Wrote for Money, as a free reward. All you have to do is spend $60 (not including shipping); then, at checkout, find the promo code field and enter:
- MC01 if you want MAPS AND LEGENDS

Maybe you missed your chance before, or maybe you just want to stuff even more stockings. Either way, do not deny yourself these simple pleasures, the joy of giving and/or hoarding. Please go now: http://store.mcsweeneys.net.

The Second Crazy Excessive Sale ends this Friday.

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