Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sweetheart by Chelsea Cain

I recently finished Sweetheart by Chelsea Cain. Picking up where HeartSick left off, it continues the story of the twisted and brutal relationship between detective Archie Sheridan and serial killer Gretchen Lowell. Just my cup of tea! A little way into the book I was afraid I was going to be disappointed—I wasn't buying the way one of the character's behavior and attitude appeared to be shifting. In the end, however, it all made sense.

It's a quick read, not recommended for the squeamish. I'll be bringing it home for Christmas so my mom can borrow it. (Now you know where I got my taste for gore.)
When the body of a young woman is discovered in Portland’s Forest Park, Archie is reminded of the last time they found a body there, more than a decade ago: it turned out to be the Beauty Killer’s first victim, and Archie’s first case. This body can't be one of Gretchen's—she’s in prison—but after help from reporter Susan Ward uncovers the dead woman's identity, it turns into another big case. Trouble is, Archie can't focus on the new investigation because the Beauty Killer case has exploded: Gretchen Lowell has escaped from prison.

Archie hadn't seen her in two months; he'd moved back in with his family and sworn off visiting her. Though it should feel like progress, he actually feels worse. The news of her escape spreads like wildfire, but secretly, he's relieved. He knows he's the only one who can catch her, and in fact, he has a plan to get out from under her thumb once and for all.

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